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Escape game en anglais


Pour la semaine culturelle, un escape game a été proposé en anglais au lycée Notre-Dame d'Espérance à Saint-Nazaire. 75 minutes pour délivrer les otages nazairiens en 1945 ! Sinon, ils seront fusillés.

It is 1945. Nazi Germany is on the verge of defeat after being invaded by the Russian forces from the East, and Allied forces from the West.
You are in 1945 in the ‘Festung’ (meaning Fortress) of Saint-Nazaire. This area has nearly 130,000 civilians. In October 1944, a large number of them (women and children) are allowed to leave the pocket to reach the liberated territory, which relieves the Germans of as many mouths to feed. Other convoys are organized later by the Red Cross. The trains leave the pocket not far from Cordemais. A very temporary truce is observed between the belligerents during their journey. The refugees, once arrived in Nantes, are subjected to a control in the premises of the high school Clemenceau, partly occupied by the American army after the liberation of Nantes. The fortress also has 28,000 German soldiers and is commanded by General Aviation Junck. The submarine base remains under the command of Admiral Mirow. The Admiral was poisoned by Breton patriots. The Kommandantur threatens to execute a hundred random hostages in the population of the Pocket if the remedy is not found in the coming hour. Indeed an antidote has been developed but hidden.

Your mission is to find this antidote that has been hidden in the room. A double agent actually hid it in a locked box. In order to stay undercover, he has put several boxes and you have to solve different puzzles to get the code that will open the box containing the correct antidote.
Attention: time is limited. He left you that picture as a first clue.


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action internationale - Rectorat de l'Académie de Nantes