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chanson : The Leaving of Liverpool

mis à jour le 12/05/2017


Une chanson interprétée par Claude Vollaire, libre de droits pour utilisation en classe.

mots clés : chanson, vollaire, musique, leaving of liverpool

The Leaving of Liverpool

Fare thee well to Prince's Landing Stage,
River Mersey, fare thee well,
Well I am bound for California  [ai – e ]
And I know that I'll return some day.

Chorus: So fare thee well, my own true love,
And when I return united we will be.
It's not the leaving of Liverpool that grieves me,
But my darling when I think of thee.

Oh I have signed on a yankee sailing ship,
Davy Crockett is her name,
And Burgess is the captain of her,
And they say that she’s a floating shame.


Oh I have sailed with this Burgess once before,
And I think that I know him quite well,
If a man is a sailor, he can get along,
If not, he's in a floating Hell


Oh the sun is on the harbour, love,
And I wish that I could remain,
For I know it will be some long long time
Before I see you again


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information(s) pédagogique(s)

niveau : tous niveaux

type pédagogique : activité de découverte, démarche pédagogique, travaux pratiques

public visé : enseignant, élève

contexte d'usage : classe

référence aux programmes :

fichier joint

information(s) technique(s) : fichier son Ce fichier est disponible au téléchargement au format mp3.

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anglais - Rectorat de l'Académie de Nantes