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chanson : Goodnight Irene

mis à jour le 14/12/2015


Une chanson interprétée par Claude Vollaire, libre de droits pour utilisation en classe.

mots clés : chanson, vollaire, musique, goodnight Irene


"Goodnight Irene": 1940's & 50's phrase used to describe an event or situation with a disastrous conclusion. Derived from the song Goodnight Irene first recorded by American blues musician Huddie 'Lead Belly' Ledbetter in 1933
"If the Bronco's don't win this round, then its goodnight Irene to the finals"

Source – Urban Dictionary

The specific origins of "Irene" are unclear. Leadbelly was singing a version of the song from as early as 1908, which he claimed to have learned from his uncles Terell and Bob. An 1886 song by Gussie L. Davis has several lyrical and structural similarities to the latter song; however, no information on its melody has survived. Some evidence suggests the 1886 song was itself based on an even earlier song which has not survived. Regardless of where he first heard it, by the 1930s Leadbelly had made the song his own, modifying the rhythm and rewriting most of the verses.

Source – Wikipedia

Ledbetter and his wife Martha Promise in 1935
Source: Wikipedia

Good Night Irene


Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene
I'll see you in my dreams.

Last saturday night I got married,
Me and my wife settled down.
Now me and my wife are parted,
I'm gonna take another stroll downtown.


Sometimes I live in the country,
Sometimes I live in the town.
Sometimes I have a great notion
To jump in the river and drown.


Stop your ramblin', stop your gamblin',
Stop staying out late at night.
Go home to your wife and your family,
Sit down by the fireside bright.



information(s) pédagogique(s)

niveau : tous niveaux

type pédagogique : activité de découverte, démarche pédagogique, travaux pratiques

public visé : enseignant, élève

contexte d'usage : classe

référence aux programmes :

fichier joint

information(s) technique(s) : fichier son Ce fichier est disponible au téléchargement au format mp3.

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anglais - Rectorat de l'Académie de Nantes