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chanson: The Wild Rover

mis à jour le 25/07/2008


Une chanson interprétée par Claude Vollaire, libre de droits pour utilisation en classe.

mots clés : chanson, vollaire, musique, rover, irlande

Chanson traditionnelle irlandaise.

1. I've been a wild rover for many's the year,
And I've spent all me money on whiskey and beer,
But now I'm returning with gold in great store,
And I never will play the wild rover no more.
Chorus And it's no, nay, never,
No, nay, never no more,
Will I play the wild rover,
No never no more.
2. I went to an alehouse I used to frequent,
And I told the landlady me money was spent,
I asked her for credit, she answered me nay,
Such a customer as you I can have every day.
Chorus And it's no, nay, never,
No, nay, never no more,
Will I play the wild rover,
No never no more.
3. I then took from me pocket, ten sovereigns bright,
And the landlady's eyes opened wide with delight,
She says I have whiskeys and wines of the best,
And the words that she'd told me were only in jest.
Chorus And it's no, nay, never,
No, nay, never no more,
Will I play the wild rover,
No never no more.
4. I'll go home to my parents, confess what I've done,
And I'll ask them to pardon their prodigal son,
And when they've caressed me as oft times before,
I never will play the wild rover no more.
Chorus And it's no, nay, never,
No, nay, never no more,
Will I play the wild rover,
No never no more.
And it's no, nay, never,
No, nay, never no more,
Will I play the wild rover,
No never no more.

information(s) pédagogique(s)

niveau : tous niveaux

type pédagogique : non précisé

public visé : enseignant, élève

contexte d'usage : classe

référence aux programmes :

fichier joint

information(s) technique(s) : fichier son Ce fichier est disponible au téléchargement au format mp3.

documents complémentaires

Fichier téléchargeable (clic droit / enregistrer la cible...)
The Wild Rover.mp3

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anglais - Rectorat de l'Académie de Nantes