espace pédagogique > disciplines du second degré > histoire-géographie > transversalité > convergences
mis à jour le 25/09/2018
Why the Bayeux tapestry can be recognised as a wonderful masterpiece ?
What does the Bayeux tapestry tell us about the Anglo-Norman society in the XI th century ?
mots clés : The Bayeux Tapestry, the Norman Conquest 1066, the art of war, William Duke of Normandy, the feudal system, the Anglo-Norman monarchy, the fabulous and mythical animals, the Anglo- norman cultural heritage
Main activities:
1/ Discovering the Bayeux tapestry and its history ( The animated Bayeux tapestry ) / 1 hour
2/ Conducting researches about a topic / 2 hours
3/ Finding an interesting way to diffuse them to the others & writing a quizz / 1 hour
4/ Leading the game / 1 hour
Intercultural aims:
Understanding the common points between French and British history
Other intercultural European links:
The byzantine princess Anna Comnena: the Alexiade and the first crusade ( XIIth century ) The Norman kingdom in Sicilia ( XI th century )
Methodological aims:
Collaborative work in pairs - Online and creative skills
Language aims:
Reading – selecting – writing information in English
Learning new vocabulary – playing with quizzlet live
Methodological skills: continuous assessment
Language and intercultural skills: assessment by the teacher before the final step
Knowledge skills: marks with the final game
Timeline – map – the animated tapestry video -
Laurence Ponthieux, Professeure d'histoire et géographie, section européenne anglais, LND Challas
éditeur(s) :Elsa Goujard, webmestre académique HGEMC
niveau : tous niveaux
type pédagogique :
public visé : non précisé
contexte d'usage :
référence aux programmes : Progamme de 2nde / DNL Histoire section européenne anglais
histoire-géographie-citoyenneté - Rectorat de l'Académie de Nantes