un extrait des "terms of use" de Prezi, uniquement en anglais :
With respect to Private User Content, you hereby do and shall grant to Prezi (and its successors, assigns, and third party service providers) a worldwide, non-exclusive, revocable, royalty-free, fully paid, sublicensable, and transferable license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, distribute and transmit the content SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE of providing you, and those with whom you have shared your presentations, with the Service. This license ends when you delete your Private User Content or your account is closed (either by you or by us), except (i) to the extent that your Private User Content has been shared with others and they have not deleted it and (ii) that we retain a license to maintain a back-up copy of your Private User Content indefinitely.